Great pics Micky, loving the fast action ones .

Here are a few more of the day and also some of my week in Wales...

Then the trucks with some all out action...

Check out the photographer (circled)...

'I aint staying here any longer!' he says to himself.

Scott noticed the flames popping out of this Cossie each time he came round.

Well it was soon time to go and i had to say goodbye to everyone as they set off for Newquay and i made my way back home to get ready to head off to Wales the next morning.

So the next morning i was on my way to Clarach Bay in Wales.

On the way i spotted this and had to stop for a couple of pics..

The roads on the way were amazing, being on my own with absolutely no traffic resulted in some great fun driving for me.

I stopped a couple of times on the way to take some snaps..

Finally reaching my destination and finding my wifes parked outside of our caravan.

There were a lot of leaflets of places to go and things do in the caravan and we decided on one that said 'Drive around the scenic upland reservoirs'.
Not before giving the 's a wash in good old Newquay style.

Here are some pics on and around Rheidol Dam...

We then drove across the top of the Dam and this was what was on the other side...

Heading back i was confronted with this, phew, them horns could do some serious damage to my i thought as i slooowly went past him.

We went out each day to various places, one of which was this one...Has anyone heard of 'Jacobs Ladder' well this was it. At the bottom was a small bridge called 'Devils Bridge'. I have never ever in my life been down such a steep set of steps! Not liking heights i could'nt take a pic as i was white knuckling the safety bannister on the way down. ...

And at the bootom.....Devils Bridge, not much to look at seeing that i had filled my pants by this time

Well that was the end of our holiday and the sun finally set across the bay of Clarach....

Hope you enjoyed the pics as much as i enjoyed taking them.

Edited by ChrisCumbria (26/08/07 08:18 PM)