
lol thank you mate im going to work on my video as micky has sent me a parcel in the post with video snippets on ogh and my video camera holder as it was still in his car, you will have to get some of the pictures of creamfeilds together too..

But i aint been on recently and hadnt had chance to do any work, had relationship issues and now that my grandad in hospital and all it starts to take a strain..

For sure it does... i know how you feel...

I wish your grandad all the best and hope he makes a quick recovery. I'm sure you and sarah will worth things out, no matter what the row... you two are good together.

Let me know when you want to get cracking with the video again and i'll get the creamfields videos over to you. They aren't very good quality but they tell the story!!!

I've not even watched them yet... i'll have to do that