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The team are pleased that you are considering becoming a Site Member. This site has always prided itself on the fact that it is free to read. We don't charge to view the main boards but there is a special Members Area what includes: Members Chat, Key Technical, Top Tips, How to Guides and Discounts with top Suppliers/Retailers. Nobody is under any obligation to do this but the benefits of the information/discounts in these areas will save you lots of money. In many cases hundreds of pounds as members will happily confirm.

Anyone who makes a donation will become a Site Member, and will be distinguished on the site by having their username in blue for the guys and pink for the girls, and also by having the title underneath their name changed to whatever they wish it to be.

To make a contribution, simply click the PayPal link below.
The membership costs are as follows:
6 months = £5
12 months = £8
24 months = £12

If you do not wish to pay using the secure PayPal method then please get in contact with Scotty and I will supply you with an address to send your cheques to or direct bank transfer details. Alternatively you can pay for subscription at any meet or event that we attend.

This site is available to view due to its member base. Without subscriptions the site would be unsustainable to keep online. Please consider this when finding the answer to your questions.

The below link will take you to a subscription area where you can select 6, 12 or 24 months membership options

This process with activate your account immediately and no moderation is required by the site staff.

Thanks for your support,

The Team