During the end of February to the beginning of March a few of us met up and went on a Mini Cruise to Spain and back... This only covered 4 days and there was very minimal time that we were off the ferry and in spain so had to pack in as much as we could.

Instead of doing a huge write up and scrolling through hundreds of pictures I've spent AGESSSSSSSSS making a movie and adding all the best bits including little video clips.

For those you didn't go, Im sure you will enjoy the movie. For those yoy did go... I really hope you will

I have done the video in 2 formats...

Full Quality - 270meg (Est 45min download... It is worth the extra wait though)

BexB'dayCruisetoSpainFeb2008.wmv No Longer Available, if you want to watch it please message me.

Good Quality - 130meg (Est 25min download... not so bad but not as sharp as the other)


Link to these files:


Please go to the following link and then "RIGHT CLICK on the selected file name you want... the full or the small version and press "SAVE AS" and select a location on your computer to save to... for example... your desktop or my documents folder... the download will start... once done... watch it

I would just like to say that I had a brilliant time away and really enjoyed it. Please have a watch and leave your comments after
