Few of my photos form fitp, I didn't take that many this year due to the weather but hope you enjoy.

First meeting point was tesco at Hatfield. Adam, his gf & friend (sorry can't remember your names), Ian, Morris & Claire. We all introduced ourselfs and headed off to our second meeting point after going the wrong way round the petrol station. Sorry guys.

Few pictures of the convoy up to black cat services.

Arriving at black cat services and waiting for Will's (Sandyle) gaggle of cars to turn up. You could hear them before we saw them

Brief introductions were made and then we headed off to ellington,

2nd wrong trun of the day. Now i won't name who was leading but the person with a silver with some recent modifications took us down the first exit off the A14 which ended up being the entrance to a farm a quick blast up to the second exit and were at our final meeting point. Before i got out the car i get a phone call from Kev, Despite leaving earlier than last year they were still running late

All parked up in Ellington waiting for the Northen convoy, I think the woman that used to moan at us has finally moved out.

Around 8:50 the other convoy turns up and we head off down to the show.

Scottys was begging to have it's photo taken (A few heads we photoshopped out of this one which is why the areial looks funny)

Absloutly stunning series 1 turbo.

I still want one

Kevs new photographic technique.

Mine and Scottys new beasts

Whist trying to get a group photo a pro photographer joined he. He was quite a laugh but think he forgot his tripod.

And a few others photos from around the show.

I had a good day despite the weather and the gazzebo almost taking off, Adam sorry about your side stripe but hope the pics of your car on the road makes up for it a little bit.

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