I think i've posted mine up before but i come with good news..

Bit of an update on this, after buying the cosworth manifold i thought i better actually ring up and see what the hit was going to be on insurance

Turns out after adding on an airfilter and and exhaust and manifold ( i did try and sus over the phone whether that was exhaust + manifold as a full system or exhaust and cosworth manifold)

So the anxious wit on the phone for the price will be £65.36!!!

Feeling quite pleased and already opening up tabs on the internet to look at full millteks did i quickly realise, i haven't added in cams

So how much extra was that going to be? Well turns the woman on the phone didnt have a clue what she was looking at i told her camshafts and she asks e what sort of extra % of horsepower it will add on, i was like i dunno 20?

She comes back and says they dont cover it, i thought his is dodgy so left the quote saved for when i need it and went online to look at their mod list.

She was only focking looking at ECU chips that increase the power, honestly sometimes insurer's shock me. So going to ring back this week and tell them properly what it is and to get someone on the phone that knows what they are on about!

SO if all goes well, i could be pushing the power my ford fair Bring on the pooooooowwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa
