

What's the matter? The 3 Billy Goats been trampling on your bridge a bit much??

Having known Hugh for the past 9 years, and having to have gone through University with him, there is no one more than me who enjoys to take the piss out of daft comments he comes out with....

However, I always ensure that if I do, then my argument is well structured and backed up by substantial evidence. If not, then the outcome is that I look like a twat, which is exactly what you've done here....

Now before you come back with some rant, I acknowledge there is the possibility you're right. If so, get some evidence and post it on here. The decent bloke that Hugh is, I know for a fact that in the face of evidence to prove he is wrong, he will admit the fact and 'stand corrected'..

What I suggest is you do the maths, post it on here and then we can discuss the matter amongst all of us. One of you is right and one of you is wrong, but for the time being, only one of you has produced something to back up your claim...

Oh and for the record, both Hugh and I have an honours degree in Engineering of which, I am sure you are aware, Maths is an integral part.....

Now run along now and be a nice chap and let those goats graze in the nice meadow.....

You posted it, you justify it, I believe is the scientific precedent?

If you have an honours degree in Engineering (I have one in Physics if you want to flex intellectual muscle), then you won't mind explaining how you would achieve the linear relationship between Speed and RPM's?

I respectfully await your answer.

For all the good your Physics degree has done you, it sadly hasn't offered you the ability to read and understand plain English. Just point out to me at what point did I suggest that he was right and you were wrong?? I didn't because I personally don't know the answer. However you were attacking someone's intellectual ability in the first reply you posted up on here - that is why I mentioned that Hugh's maths is a tad more advanced than grade D GCSE, not to prove your statement wrong.

My interest in cars is particularly limited. I'm actually an IT professional who offered to help Hugh out when he was starting up these forums. If, instead of jumping in and shouting your mouth off at the first thing you read, you had bothered to read some of the posts on here, you would have noted that I am anything but a hardcore car fanatic...

My problem was not with you arguing a point (I don't think anyone would have a problem with that so long as it is backed up by sufficient evidence); my problem was with the attitude and manner in which you did it. It is not warranted, and it is certainly not welcome here...

I suggest you either change your attitude very quickly or find some other board to troll around in....