Rob, yep, cars only. Brands is good fun for such a short track but not a patch on Cadwell so if you want to make the trip I don't think you'll be disappointed.
H47per, overpriced at £125?

You are coming to a venue that costs millions to buy run and maintain, there will be nice men in orange suits around the place making sure that it is all safe, professional instructors ready to take their lives in their hands with you driving, and you have the chance to drive your car at speed without worrying about getting nicked or having a truck coming the other way, all for the same amount as a lot of young drivers would have to pay for just a couple of weeks insurance in an ST!
I'd look at it another way, what's the point of spending thousands on a high performance car and then even more on modding it and then never get to see what it can do..............?