
Hugh - did you get anywhere with trying to create one login for both forums??

Very briefly and came to one conclusion mate - knightmare! The problems arise as from the moment you log in the databases tracks your movements (for the who's online screen) and there is a lot of joint code which makes splitting the request to two different sites very tricky. As well as that it also needs to know which script to call on to redirect you to the site you intended to login into.
I’m not beaten yet, but have had too much grief with setting up the new hosting to spend any time on it.

Also, I’m away on holiday for a couple of days from tomorrow!

Kev, I love the game and have played it on off for the past few years, however I haven't touched it in the last 18months as the guy I used to share a house with (who owned a steering wheel) took it when he got his own place. I did however yesterday order a pucker Saitek force feedback effort that apparetnly is the dogs danglies.

I shall no doubt be popping over to your forum very shortly.