Oooooh I like the sleeve Dave! I'm currently in the process of coming up with some ideas for extending some of mine (I have 4)

I might add a little to this one. This is my FAVE tattoo (that's the Japanese symbol for Love) on my left shoulder blade.

This is definitly getting extended maybe with something a little old skool or something. Not sure what yet. This is on my right shoulder blade.

Yes its arabic and yes its my name and properly my name not some cr*ppy David Beckham phonetic translation job (mainly coz I'm half arab lol). This is at the top of my back, in the middle.

My tramp stamp. So very very boring and lame. This one will have some extensive work done on it to cover up its lameness but not for a while! Its kinda going to be a treat for myself so I'm taking my time on that one

24/03/05 to 27/06/12 & I loved it