10:30pm the night before - Yes... many people did think I was some sort of maniac!

5:30am arrived. Alarm went off... dived out of bed to stop it and keep Maiya asleep. Luckily I managed it. Got dressed, grabbed everything needed and Sarah prepared Maiya's bottles.

I then grabbed Maiya and put her straight in her car seat and in the car. Hoping not to disturb her too much. By the time she got to the car she was wide awake.

I met Chris at the Wheatsheaf at 6:00 and then drove down to Coleshill and arrived around 6:15 bang on time.

We then left for Cherwell Valley.

We arrived at Cherwell at 7:30 which was bang on time once again (getting good at this).

Nicky always appreciates pictures

Another of the FFST Crowd including Lozzy and Stew peering in the background

The usual ritual of distributing tickets.

Jack collecting his prize

Stevie offering security support and overseeing it's done correctly.

Sorry Duncan but I thought this was interesting. Your hair fits in with the tree line

After letting people know we would be taking the back roads in and there would be a slight delay. Most just drove out the services. This was impossible to stop. A few of us remained whilst waiting for Charlie. After reviewing the map, it was obvious we could get in quicker.

After taking the back roads we managed to get in to the track and were first there. Even after waiting 10 mins at the services longer.

It did give me chance to look at the stand and organise to get it set up.

Whilst waiting, a few decided to give there brand new 's a clean

After 30mins, Stevie turns up. He let us know he avoided most of the queue by overtaking it. Excellent (Fantastic looking car!)

Not missing out on the action. Maiya decided she wanted to have a drive. She wasn't convinced by the seat support though. She advised the bucket seats would be much better. We will see!

A couple of pics from the show (not many).

KA Sport with a Cosworth Engine. This had been on track and was smoking underneath

A sneek peak of the MTOC stand with Lee and Stephs car. I'm sure they would have looked much better on our stand

Vicky, fully prepared. I did enjoy the bacon sarnie.

After the excitement of the morning. Maiya decided to have a nap

Here are the odd bods of the stand firstly:

As i said at the meal... people were walking past laughing at the merc, then a sudden change of mind and saying "I like that, it's smart".

Specially for you Jodie

Now for pics of the best looking stand of the day



Now for some track pics

DanTheMan steaming around the corner

Pikes Peak RS200

This guy in the Porsche was my driver of the day. He pushed that 911 right to the edge

We decided to leave the show early to avoid the most of the traffic. We managed to get away just before the flood

Overall. The day was fantastic. Excellent crowd and was nice to meet the new guys too

Chris had a look and the first post was in December 2012 about Ford Fair. It just goes to show how long people look forwards to this show.

Cannot wait to see many of you guys again at Trax