Thought i'd stick it in here as it will end up here anyway....

Started off my weekend in a rather different fashion compared to every other show i go to, it was 3.30pm saturday afternoon until i had broken out any buckets to wash the car. I had done a pre-show treatment only a week before so all it needed was a wash and thats it, so rather than spend my morning doing mine i helped other people!

Popped round a friend of mine's to drop some wax off, whilst there another friend turned up in his RS. I wish i had washed mine at that point because on this rare occasion i was the one with a dirty car

Also may aswell point out at this point i have duncans old wheels, finally

IMG_7073 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7074 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7075 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Then started on mine, quick wash and a zip over with detailing spray and that was that!

IMG_7079 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7081 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Met up with peel28 sunday morning, bright and early at 6.20am hes out there washing his wheels, dedicated

IMG_7087 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Drive to the services, no photos taken i was more interested in getting a decent cup of tea!

Waiting in traffic, needs to be done every ford fair! ( Also the mk3 zs infront of me was very nice, on coil overs was nicely executed! )

IMG_7089 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7090 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Get to silverstone, sams infront of me and we're all pretty well together but another 45min waiting to get from 4 lanes into a single file, what retard decided that was a good idea is beyond me!

IMG_7092 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Parked up, very nice! Luke decides to dedicate the whole of the back row to the merc

IMG_7093 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7094 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7095 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Went walking over to RS register, i do like some RS's in a line

IMG_7101 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7103 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7105 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Walked about a bit more, down the pit areas.

IMG_7108 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7110 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7112 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Fast ford stand!

IMG_7114 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7115 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

RS Direct RS500, as per usual it was mint!

IMG_7116 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7118 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7119 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Influx of stretched tyres inbound

IMG_7121 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7122 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7127 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

ACR Composties ST "RS"

IMG_7128 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Viper engine in your Sierra, sir.

IMG_7130 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Brake shots now

IMG_7136 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7137 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7138 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Tidy ST, wheel colour was different and i liked it!

IMG_7139 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

One for ROB

IMG_7140 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7142 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

One car that was parked near our stand, really caught my attention. The gold wheels i though suited it so well, very doubtful i could get it to look just as good on mine!

IMG_7143 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

IMG_7144 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Gold leaf Lotus Cortina, massive want.

IMG_7146 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

5 PB ST's in a row, can't argue with that

IMG_7154 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

Peel's in for the added edge!

IMG_7155 by Jack_Pearson, on Flickr

So yeah all in all a very good day. Thanks to everyone who came and who i spoke to, i do appretiate these events more now for the social side than for the car to look good. I know there was a few guys on the stand i didnt get to speak to, will try next time!

Massive thanks also goes out to the near 4.5 hours of traffic that was sat in that day, getting into fordfair and on the way to mk cruise at night, it wouldnt be an event without it!
