i had embroidered an jumper made up when i was at school, its still going strong 6 years later. Much better than transfer.


First of all... we need to decide on the manufacturer of hoodies. People can either get a hoodie sent to me or I can get a selection to choose from.

Each person can select individually what they would like embroidering on.

I think its best if we all get from same supplier as they will marry up better. Also, based on peoples requests, if you can get from one manufacturer a zip up hoodie and a jumper type hoodie in a range of colours then that would be ideal?

I personally would go for subtle embroidery, i.e. on the front, small font, fordfiesta.co.uk and underneath that sxkopite8.

Can we get a couple photoshop gurus on this to produce some basic designs? If we have a set design then itll be easier to organise?
East of England Rep

Midge - MG ZR 105 (10-11)
Stella - MR200 Fiesta st (11-15)
Silky - R171 SLK280 (15 - )