Few pics of our meet up Saturday.
Got together at Asda Minworth, little drive up the a38.

Did a bit of this lol

Arrived at The Moat House, had a little fun and got some pics

A little later Scott arrived then our bobby on a bicycle friend arrived too. Something about someone doing doughnuts in the car park. Wasnt us, it was someone else... i promise... ok maybe it was us.

Got a Nandos buttrock
Then moved on to graffiti tunnel

Moved on to The White Horse, had a drink and chat.

It was getting dark etc and Scott went home with Sarah & the little one.
We decided to go to The Crooked House via the Birmingham Tunnels.
Had a laf trying to repair a dart and feeling like we were falling over lol

Need to arrange another meet up soon as it was epic fun happy