I'll just answer your question for this:
I agree that regional reps might well help take the load off myself and the team, but, when there are too many people with fancy titles things get messy and people become power crazed.
On this board the difference between myself, moderators and users is nothing. I'm not god and nor are the team. We do this in our own time and don't try and act all mighty and powerful... that's the way it will always stay.
The forum is slowly growing and the people that use it are great people and it's nice to have a smaller community of great people than a HUGE community of people that let you down and try and get more power.
Kevin and Micky have not long joined the team to help myself, Chris, ChrisC and Nick02 to keep things rolling. I think we have a strong team to organise anything that needs sorting.
If you wish to organise a meet around your area then you are more then welcome and one of the team will be more than helpful in making your post a sticky and helping get a little interest but if you wished to do this, then it is up to you to push it along.
I think the boards work fine as they are and everyone is happy with how things work. I'm not a fan of regional reps and buddies of the mods who have swanky names.
I hope this answers your question and helps.