I just want to start the tread off by thanking everyone involved in both sorting the event and also taking the time, effort and cost of coming along and taking part.
I personally had a really nice weekend. It was both relaxing and action packed which gave a really nice medium.
The event started on the Saturday when most people started to turn up.
First on the scene was Louise who was excited about getting all dressed up on the Sunday and had previously made me go shopping with her to get all the things she needed. I'm not complaining it was definitely worth the pain of shopping

Next to turn up was Bex and Jack closely followed by Chris and Kev turning up at the same time.
We needed to pop down to ToysRtoPlayWithInTheShopByAdults

and we was about to set off when we had a call from Jimmy to say he's in Brum and has put the destination in the Sat Nav and it says an hour and a half... well... after getting the right town we waited for him to turn up. I then went out and collected him from the high street where he was filling up his gorgeous Polo GTi.
After we got back again we there was another call, this time from Adam. After waiting a little while for Adam and his dad Ray to arrive we headed straight off to the toy shop.
After sorting everything we needed we headed back to the house and relaxed for a while and chatted. Jimmy was playing games with Jack, which Jimmy won every time. I think he cheated

We then went out and ordered 3x 16" Pizza's with 12" Cheese Covered Garlic Bread's.... MMMmmmmmmmmm they was soooooooooooooooooooo YUMMY!
After this the girls and Jack went out to Star City to watch enchanted (the very girly fairy tail princess film).
All the lads went out to do a little adventurous photoshoot in Hams Hall Industrial Area. We found the orange street laps to be too bright and made the images ghost. Next time we will do it in pitch black.

We then went to the hotel where Jimmy, Adam and Ray were stopping. We stayed in the bar for the evening and had a really nice chat. At the end of the night Jimmy went missing and didn't return...
The next day rolls around and the 11am meeting time is slightly missed by 40 minutes due to a certain gender getting ready... (have a guess what gender that is

) I give Jimmy a phone at 11:20am and he was still in bed... howwwwww lazy is that. Eventually at 11:40 we all meet in the car park and Jimmy comes flying in so we set off to the restaurant at the Golf Club.

We were sat right by the window which was really nice. Just outside was a huge lake that was frozen up and a nice water fountain.
We all started out meals off by having either Soup, Prawns Cocktail or Mellon.
Bex and Mandy had Mellon.

After this we all went and ordered from the carvery counter and got our meals... they were VERY tasty!!!

Whilst we were having dinner we gave Julie her presents that people had chipped in for which was really nice. Thanks for coming on your Birthday Julie

Once the main course was finished, Jack decided he was still hungry and wanted to eat my camera.

Then puddings arrived... MMMmmmmm
This one was mine.

Jimmy decided the best way to eat his, was to squash it with his head

Once this was over we then went outside and did a photoshoot that Kev kindly took.
Here’s a pic I stole from him:

Once we had finished a few group photos people went back to the cars to warm up a little and I had a few photos with Louise and Jack.

We all left and then went and got changed. Once we were all in our winter thermals we met down the pub and headed off to the Snowdome in Tamworth.
I didn't take my camera on the slope as it probably would have been a little dangerous and I probably would have been kicked off but I know that Julie managed to get some pics, watch out for Kevs pictures!!!
The tobogganing was brilliant fun. I got cut up and smashed into by a woman and sent down backwards. I got sprayed to hell by Louise trying to brake and then did a couple of huge slides around the corner and ending up flying down the slope minus the toboggan

It was brilliant fun and I really enjoyed racing everyone... esp Jimmy

Once we had warmed up in the bar and had another drink we headed over to the bowling alley to start our 2 games of bowling.
It looked like there was a few good scores going up... I think I was a bit lucky to get this:

I then went on to finish at 163... I've never got that much before so was very happy with myself

Once the bowling had finished, Dave, Adam, Ray, Kevin, Julie and Sarah all headed off back home and Me, Louise, Becky, Jack, Mandy, Chris and Jimmy all headed off down to the pub. We got there and ordered some drinks, soon to be told that children weren’t allowed in the bar but we could only sit in the restaurant if we ordered something.
Bex, Chris and Jimmy all ordered meals and had the option to go to the salad bar... so they got lots of buns and salad and the rest of us munched on those. We didn't want a full meal.
The pub closed at 11pm and we left at 11:40pm

I had to drop Mandy back to her house so on the way we took Jimmy to his Hotel and said our good byes.
I didn't get back home until gone 1:30am.
It was a brilliant weekend and I'd just like to thank EVERYONE once again for making the effort to come along. I know that Chris, Dave, Adam & Ray and also Jimmy came from a good distance away including France in Jimmy’s case.
I really hope to see you all again at the next one... ideas are welcome!!!
Thanks a lot