Just to bring the thread back on topic for a second... I've just realised that I haven't responded to any of the Christmas threads yet so just thought I'd say a couple of words.
As always, I had a great time, and really enjoyed meeting everyone both old faces and those who'd turned up for the first time to a meet. It was a really nice way in which to bring in the Christmas period, and I can say for certain that of the three Christmas dinners I had in a period of five days that the one at the Golf Club was definitely the nicest I ate!!
The toboganning afterwards I found was great fun for me, I did manage to stay on all the time I went down, never falling off once - although I nearly did the first time when I went around a corner and found the back end coming out and nearly tipped over but somehow mangaed to stay in. Then after that was fun braking when told to, and then letting the brakes off right after getting past the stewards until reaching the bottom of the slope!

The bowling afterwards was great as always, even if I was a bit hit and miss throughout.
Some of us then went to a pub in Coleshill afterwards, and ended up annoying them a bit by making them keep open long after they'd wanted to close by us still eating. But, they'd made us go into the restaurant by saying we couldn't have Jack in the almst empty bar area so tough basically lol. Something I can remember afterwards is our attempts to destroy their Christmas decorations on the way out. I think it was Scott who knocked some tinselly thing off the wall at one end as he went past, I then started to put it back up, and managed to pull something else off!
Just a few words of thanks finally:
Thanks to Scott and Becky for all of their hard work in organising this meet.
Thanks to everyone who came and made the effort to travel long distances to come to the event, we couldn't have the meets without everyone attending.
And thanks to Scott again for once more kindly giving me somewhere to stay.
I'm sure the events throughout 2008 will be brilliant and hope that everyone is looking forwards to them, I know I certainly am. Without exception I've had a great time every time I've gone away since the very first one back in the summer of 2005(seems a long time ago now) and really hope to be able to carry on going for a very long time to come!

Take care all
