on the subject of old st drivers, on the way home from work today an old man passed me in a performance blue with full stripes! i tried to get a pic but my van wasn't quick enough!
anybody here around 65 to 75 years old driving out of Leicester past the Bentley garage at about 2pm?!
Registered: 14/05/06
Posts: 689
Loc: West Midlands
Anyone see the central Tv news last week about a bloke in his 80s being robbed for his car keys to his new Focus ST parked on his drive ? He told them they would have to kill him first, they pissed off without the keys or car.
A Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever
I'll be 55 in May, so I claim the prize! Possibly. Still very much enjoying my little ST, and not a tartan rug or set of folding chairs in sight! I hope they make the next one a bit more chav-proof, though.