right where she live soon as i get my VXR8 I'll drive to her house open the taps up and empty my tank of fuel just revving it.
justice served!
we are the last of a dying breed of people who appreciate the performance cars lets face it everyone now is obsessed with saving the planet and 10-20 years time we will be driving microwaves on wheels.
can people not understand that the world is going into a global warming not because of us but its the natural cycle of the planet. it's an inevitable fact scientists have proven by suppressing our own carbon footprint we are postponing it by days not years but days.
we have summer and winter, night and day, we have already had a tropical planet then had an ice age. same process is about to happen again.
A single natural active volcano gives of more carbon gases in 1 year compared to 6 billion motorists in in 4.
people who dont know shouldn't be entitled to an opinion