That first rally crash one (Two pages back I know), is in Eppynt, 5 miles from me and I remember that crash. He was one lucky fooker as devils leap is know for that. One year after that crash, a car did very similar and landed on a 67 year old spectator, killing him outright. They still didn't stop the rally.
Also wish UI had the video of my uncles rally car after a crash on Eppynt. Went round a long left bend on Eppynt, at around 115mph, hit a sheep in the middle of the road, smashed the barrier and flipped the Scooby 9 times. The car was unrecongisable but him and the co driver got out, with my uncle having a broken hip and that was all. Scary moment that day.

K&N, 35mm droper, axle spacers, de-tango,
LED's all round, Retro Fiesta badge, wind deflectors.