Wow, what can I say, that was an excellent video, and a great way to remind us all now and in the future of the great time that we had. I think we all had a brilliant time there, even if the ship did get a little bit rocky on the Saturday night. I was ok, but I know some did feel quite sick at that point.
Some of the things I remember most are, in no particular order:
1. Mandy's face after being told she'd won another cruise.
2. Us resorting to the good ol' British way in Spain of pointing, talking slowly and loudly in order to buy breakfast.

3. Me getting hit on the shoulder by my bunk falling down after not putting it up properly. And then saying very calmly - not shouting - ow, that hurt a little bit.
4. A picture moving AWAY from the wall when we were in the stormy weather, plus while we were sitting there a fella who we'd got chatting to saying how calm it was compared to how it sometimes is.
There were loads of other good memories but they're just a few. If you decide to go again then hopefully I'll be able to join you. If not, then I hope you all have a good time.