Hey All,
I know quite a few of you have been waiting for this movie since the meet. I have been working really hard on getting it done. I wanted it up earlier but with the site going down and me spending most of the day fixing it again it unfortunatley took a little while longer to publish and upload.
I would just like to say that I really enjoyed the meet... It was deffinatley one of the best so far. It was great to see everyone again and I really hope I have captured the spirit of the weekend in the movie.
Thanks to everyone who attended for coming along...
Enjoy the movie

I have done the video in 2 formats...
Full Quality - 217meg (Est 35min download... It is worth the extra wait though)
Good Quality - 130meg (Est 25min download... not so bad but not as sharp as the other)
(Not Published Yet)
Link to these files:
http://web3.myenable.com/enabledsites/scott/Movies/ Please go to the following link and then "RIGHT CLICK on the selected file name you want... the full or the small version and press "SAVE AS" and select a location on your computer to save to... for example... your desktop or my documents folder... the download will start... once done... watch it
Comments appreciated
