Final Date,
Sunday 14th of August so everyone make sure your all sorted out for that day!!!
Thx alot all
Location Cotswolds: Meeting Location will be decided soon and will be added on here + everyone shall be PMed also.
Is there anyone near or has an idea of a good location to meet?
Time: Im thinking of meeting as early as possible, maybe sort of 10am to try and avoid alot of the "holiday rush". This will be early enough to get us all there and have time to introduce everyone, also we will then we able to move on "if necessary" and have a nice look around and then do the Photoshoot.
I shall be doing the Photoshoot as much as i can, if anyone has any special requests they want me to take a picture of, or how they would like a picture done then i shall do it, I will be more than happy to.
I have lots of ideas already for the shoot and i really really hope that more people decide to come so a really good selection of Fiesta
and other cars are present. It will be a great day im sure!!!
Ideas welcome but im really glad the date and location are sorted, few