This meet up was organised by Adam and Lee so to start with I will thank them for putting the effort in to sorting something and getting it all arranged... Thanks Guys!!!
To start this off... Me and Kev convoyed with Bex and Sarah in my car setting off at 9am up the M6... the weather was quite nice as we set off but as we went more towards stoke the weather started turning and the rain started to fall... this caused LOADSSSSSSSSS of traffic and meant that a just over 2 hour journey took much, much longer than it should have with crawling most of it at 40mph.
Once arriving in Blackpool we met at a Travelodge near the sea front and then headed off to the nearest pub... which so happened to be a good old 2 for one

After this we decided to try and brave it and head off to get some photos... the 1st location proved to be a bad choice as 1. we couldn't get all the cars in with the camera distance (there was a huge brick wall in the way from going far enough backwards) and 2. it was LASHING, i mean LASHING it down... see what opening my car door did just to get in...

This was a much better spot, on the pedestrian area at the sea front.

After a big of calling around we managed to find a B&B which was cheap, and by the sea front, clubs and over the road from Adam and Lee's which was very handly. The rooms wern't up to much but it was warm and somewhere to sleep, which was nice!!!

After everyone checking into their own Hotels... Chris with his Hilton room... the Taxi picked us all up and took us into town... which was only 200yrds down the road lol. With the clocks going back that night... there was an extra hour to party... starting with some good drinks from Yates.

Moving on to Flares... can you tell?

Now starting to feel the effects in Walkabout

Then onto some club which had Dance, R&B rooms with a ber area also... had a great time in there!!!

SundayAs you can see... a great start to the day!!!

After waiting 10 mins for the shower to pass and walking down to the sea front, things brightened up and Bex decided to start moving the tower around.

Nice hats!!!

It was time for the arcade and us on the horses!!!

Sarah won

Expert Grabber Machine Bex got herself 2x Teddies with only £2 in the machine.

We were all getting a big hungry by now so it was nice to head to the pub for another 2for1... as you cans see, Kevin decided to have both to himself

After a good old scrap in the pub... we deffinatley came off better than these guys!!!

Photoshoot time

Whilst taking the photos it was VERY VERY strong winds and we couldn't keep the tripod still so couldn't manage to get many photos that came out unfortunatley.
Once we had finished the shooting we headed off to the Colin McRae

meetup that Passion Ford had organised.
We stuck around there, paid out £5 charity fee and purchased a sticker for £3 for the event and then headed off to the illuminations in convoy...
I took the fastest lane down which skipped all the traffic and then stopped in the road waiting for the convoy to move up so we could get in... but i had a police bike come and move me off and then went down another road going the wrong direction past a HUGE line of traffic...
I spotted some

s so cut in... and so did everyone else... the Police biker was very angry but couldn't do anything about it lol... was really funny.

We even made some new friends!!!

I had a brilliant time and really enjoyed the whole weekend. It's hard to capture the fun we had and all the energy that was involved but I hope that you enjoyed viewing the pictures and reading the post.
I can't wait to see everyone again at the next meet up.
Thanks again to everyone who came... great meet... great people
