ok sorry for the very few pics here guys but i didnt take a lot and quite a few of them got ruined by rain or whatever so here guys.
So i wake up at 4:30am sunday morning to find that the lovely day i had on the saturday has been replaced by rain overnight. All my hard work pretty much ruined but hey we will soldier on. At 5am and after 2 or 3 trips between car and house(forgot a few things each time)i set off for the first convoy stop at hatfield.
In just under an hour i am there and of course at this time on a sunday the place is pretty much diserted.
Me waiting for everyone

After about 15 mins or so Adam turned up with his gf and sister(yes i remember who they were) Not long after followed by Micky and Morris. just enough time for a few introductions and a quick smoke and we were off to stop two on our convoy.
After a little sightseeing round the tescos petrol station micky eventually got us to black cat services.

Micky, Morris, Adam and My Cars

Unfortunately i missed the arrival of Sandyle and his gang, though before long we were on our way to ellington. in the blink of an eye sandyle and his gang were gone, in the end me and adam had a small race to see who caught them first, though really micky could have and in the end did just glide past us. (on a side note i won the race)
So anyway after yet another unscheduled sight seeing trip this time into the driveway of a local farm we managed to arrive in ellington. Micky then tells us that despite leaving early the northern convoy is running about half an hour late. So time for a pic or two and a little chat whilst we all freeze.Dan arrived sometime around here though im not sure when as he just seemed to appear!
Outside the Church in Ellington

(side note: the focus parked at the end was driven by a lady tending the garden in the church she drove past with the marigolds already on?????)
So after about 45 mins the northern convoy arrived by whitch time we were like icicles and were glad to get going again.
so shortly after we all arrive at FITP. Luckily at this point it had pretty much stopped raining, the gazebo was swiftly erected and the lovely process of parking all the cars up was completed just in time for the rain to come down.
Right side of stand if looking out of the gazebo

Left side

After a sudden break in the rain a few of us ventured out to give the cars a wipe over (special mention here to adam and dan who stayed nearly as long as i did!) i should point out at this point it turned out i had managed to lose my car keys. These were later found to have fallen into the spare tyre well in the boot of my car.
Some pics from the Right side of the stand
Adams Car

Dans Car

Kurts Car

Kevs Car

Chris(Cumbria)'s Car

(Sorry didnt get chance to get over the left side of the stand)
Micky and Scotty's Centre Pieces

And finally the star of the show which had us all drooling

After the show the few of us left went over to the now usual pub for a quick drink/bite to eat. Myself and Adam left after a quick drink and headed back. We ended up going a bit sideways onto the M1 south which was full of traffic and absolutely bucketing down with rain. Luckily i was serenaded with nursery rhymes thanks to adam's sister and the trusty radios.
Adam got off at junction 10 and after a quick good bye i jumped back on to motorway for a while before given up and heading through st albans back onto the M25. By 8:30pm i was back home and enjoying putting my feet up with a nice cuppa. All in all a brilliant day and cant wait for ford fair (or renault day as the case may be)