As promised, just a few pics that i took at DMB Graphics Yesterday morning.
It was a great Morning out with me getting there at around 9am, with Patt & Ryder arriving soon after, then Dan arrived in his Fez
with Katie in her brand new Focus
... A surprise visit from Dave P soon after in his Focus
followed by Scotty in his
with a BED in the back!! that he and Sarah had bought on the way.... An
with a bed in the back !!
Anyway, just a few pics....
Dave preping the paintwork for an amazing 20-30 mins work fitting my stripes...Yes, 20-30 mins!!
before and after pics....
Then Dans turn...
A quick pic of mine and Patts car on the industrial estate....
While Katie was having her car sorted, we all went for a few more pics..
Here is Katies, She likes Pink!
As said, it was a great Morning out,
Thanks Dave (DMB) for the Coffees, Top man, and TOP JOB done.