Hi All,

As you may/may not have read on the other sticky threads in the n00bs section. We have started up a brand new site called ST-RS.co.uk which is exclusively members only.

I have gave access to most of the sections on this board for new comers but some sections such as General Chat and the Technical Threads I have gave 'Read Only' access to.

In order to get full access to these threads along with the members section and ST-RS.co.uk we ask for a small donation of £5 (will rise to £10 at the end of January 2011) which you can easily send through via our dedicated paypal link or direct bank transfer (please pm me for these).

I look forwards to having more of you part of our community of over 3000 members so far and 6 years of knowledge.

To donate: Please click the following link:


For more information on what membership means and what you get. Please click the following link:


I look forwards to reading your posts and saving you loads of money with owning your Fiesta


Scotty & The Team