Quote: Why cant I find the spam thread? Has some sadistic mod removed it? I was in a spammin' good mood as well
That sadistic mod was me
Quote: Was it really just that thread though I guess it would of caused alot of views
Does that make peoples posts counts go back down?
No, they are the same.
Quote: aaaaaaahhhhhhhh all that effort!!!!!! hard work!!! late nights!!!! gone i tells ya gone!!!
cant we have it back but have it locked so that in generations of FFST.co.uk to come people can respect the spam?
I had to delete it due to the fact that the board is 6 years old and 40 pages of spam meant the server would load 800 posts every time someone clicked on it, refreshed it, posted a reply etc.
I'm fine with you guys having a spam thread but do me a favour. Start it on ST-RS.co.uk as that site can handle the SQL query for it.