all depends if i can pay my parents off, pay my student loan and also pay Si all possible by the end of the year.
but having a completed engine is literally not even half way.
The engine will need special brackets to mount the engine bay because the trumpets on the throttle bodies are too long to fit under the bonnet and also the slam panel i may need either customise my bonnet and slam panel, but i'd rather push the engine back half an inch and down an inch lower to the floor which is better I guess for weight distribution but this also causes problems with the water pump, gearbox and a whole list of other things.
will also need a spare car cause all of this could take up to a month to get special parts made, also need a custom exhaust system made as the milltek is okay but I could generate another 16BHP more with a larger bore. I'm thinking of an exhaust system with a 4-2-2 flow, which should actually be more beneficial.
Any ways, mental stuff to be done i deffo' need to take a breather with spending and get some debt out the way before all of that, huge engine only project.