Can I comment? - Too late

A Cleaning and detailing area would be good, however there are obviously going to be a few draw backs (for example me having to negotiate ANOTHER section!! jeeezzzzz) but I think it would be useful to many polish avoiders.
There is a chance of a few repeated threads but surely this is a good thing? They won't be repeated forever and will fade out with new content being brought in, but it will get the area going (everyone knows to avoid the dead area! 'Mines on order' for example

I have just got the bug of detailing, after claying my car and slding stuff down my bonnet as it is now smoother than smooth GLASS!!! (like cloths and pads...not babies and engine oil...) and would like some more info on what to do and techniques etc like how to remove swirls, without having to sign up and troll other sites.
I think also, instead of a new area entirely, maybe a sub area inside the Forcourt? As it is generally going to be lots of pictures of various states of paintwork.
Also, I know there are not THAT many people (compared to other sites) into detailing that would lead to such an increase of demand on the server.
I know I am late but thought I'd just post up and show some support

(P.s I also know you said no already

- It didn't say no forever though
