helllo! (at last)! sorry havent been online since the meet!
Was an excellent weekend, well worth the effort! I know Sheridan had a good time too

I must say some of the stuff that tour guide guy was saying about the cataluya rally and the waste gates on the turbos packing up was absolutely amazing, really shows how M SPORT are so committed - absolutely excellent - makes me really look forward to rally Wales in December and of course the 2007 Monte Carlo rally

Some really great pix there Scott, you were a busy boy with that camera. You need to work on your eating speed for the next meet though! - not sure if I missed it or not, but incase it wasnt said - scott got clapped by the waitress for (eventually) finishing his f'ing dinner! lol. that was class!
I couldnt get over how many f'ing dogs there are in Cumbria. nearly as many dogs as people.
that guy in the Lupo was class too - thats such a great pic of him - he looks well perverted sitting there with one hand somewhere else! (remind you of anyone

) ha ha.
thanks to everyone who came, was a great laugh and great to meet a few new people - and the driving on those lanes was great fun... apart from when Chris Cumbria almost side swiped a Dawoo Matiz

lol oh thanks for comment Gareth re my car, I was impressed with it too actually. I was so willing it up that hill when I lost turbo boost!
One word on fuel consumption. M6 on the way back. Gareth managed to empty a £35.00 tank of fuel on only 189 miles