Just the way they treat people is so wrong. Doin 11 - 13 hour shifts and not getin a break til iv work 8 or 9 hours which is against the law. And im sposed to get an hour and there only giving me 20 kins coz 'theres too much to do ' also the law is ur sposed to get 11 hiurs between each shift but sometimes im not gettin out til 11 12 1 in te morning then u have to be in at 6 in the mornin. Plus I live an hour away from the job. Then they moan that ur not workin hard or fast enuf. Im f*coin knackered thats why. And how am I sposed to take in all the trainin when im stressed tired losing weight not eating or sleeping becoz of it

there showing me how to do a close down tonight for the first time then the jext day there makin me run the shop on my own with no one but the new girl in. Id of thought theyd let me dobit and have someone else there just incase. Or atleast give me proper trainin let me do Afew times before leavin me on my own.

sorry to bang on. On my day I shall be reporting them to acas and hse