Apologies for not posting on here for the last few days - just trying to ctach up as much as I can. I've just tried redirecting the automated emails to come from my own FFST email acccount rather than the server one, and trying to get them to come through to my hotmail account but without any success.

At least some of you seem to be getting them to come through now, so there has been an improvement for some even if not all.
With regards to people not getting their accounts upgraded promptly enough...
The payments all come through Scott so I don't get to see them. Normally Scott would approve them fairly quickly, but hasn't been on much recently due to moving. Because there's occasions when he won't be on straight away, there is a note on the payment page asking people to drop me a PM if they haven't had there account upgraded within 24 hours. I know this isn't ideal... but... put simply if I'm not aware that soemone has made payment then I'm not in a position to help out. I hope this explains things a little better.