Right, just while I've a quick chance to get a few things down...
That idea that Cassie suggested for the first night of going to a restaurant earlier on in the evening on the Saturday followed by going into town sounds quite a good idea, as obviously by the time we get there people may just be wanting something to eat and prob can't be bothered waiting for a BBQ at that time.
We def need to have a BBQ on the Sunday at sometime though whilst ChrisSus is still here to help us out - he is a great cook!!

Whether we can do one on the beach or not depends as I know some of them don't allow it, hopefully we'll find one that will. Whichever, theres no reason why at some point we can't spend time relaxing at a beach if the weathers kind to us.
Also, no reason why we can't do restaurant/BBQ again later in the week as those of us who are camping will be ther till Wednesday at least and will be needing to eat!
Photoshoot probably best on the Sunday IMO, simply because we'll have the most people there at that time.
Like Stuart, I've never been on a sea fishing trip before, but its definitely something different to try out and I'm always up for stuff so should try and do that at some point.
I do enjoy going for walks so seafront/cliff top walks are a definite for me.
Right, best be getting off to work now, but just thought it best to get a couple of things down for a start whilst I had a couple of spare moments.