The X-mas markets are better to see in the dark. For this reason and the fact we are staying in brum for drinks etc afterwards I suggest we meet up on Saturday at around 4pm. This will also ease the parking situation as the "shoppers" will start leaving.
Saturday:4pm - Meet @ Brum Centre (telephone numbers can be exchanged to make sure we all have contact - fb is also a good method if required).
From here we shall explore the markets and then head to some bars for some drinks to warm up and enjoy the evening. From here we can decide what we do.
Sunday:12pm - Bowing at Star City if people would like to do this
2pm - Nando's at Ford Dunlop - This will allow people to get home early after the meal but not have the meal too early in the day.
Any amendments please shout up - The days are sorted so things can always be moved around slightly if needed