As a lot of you may know, this weekend a few of us from this site met up to go to the World Series by Renault event which was held at Donington Park. I hope that this thread will show a little bit into what went over that weekend.
For me the weekend started on the Friday evening when I had the long drive down from my house to Scott's (FiestaRS's) house at Coleshill near Birmingham. With having been in work all day, I knew that it could be a long drive down. So wanting to get going as soon as I could, I literally went straight from work to my house, grabbed my stuff and jumped back in the car, not even bothering to get changed out of my work clothes lol.
As it happenned, the journey down was straightforward enough. The traffic wasn't too bad, and I just took it easy, pulling off at a Maccy's for dinner, and also stopping another couple of times. I managed to see a nice sunset at Keele service station on the way down also.

Now beforehand, I had been a little worried about whether I could be a bit tired on the journey, with having been in work all day. So I had told Scott that if need be I would have a sleep in my car at a services somewhere, and could turn up at his house quite late. As it turned out I was fine and didn't need to, so when he rang me up about half eight asking whereabouts I was and I told him I was an hour away, he was like "Jesus Christ Chris! I'm like still in Petersfield over 2 hours away!", him having been down in Hampshire all week. Fortunately his dad was there to let me in when I arrived, and eventually Scott turned up along with his girlfriend Lucie, before we all had an early night before the early start on Saturday morning.
On the Saturday morning we got up at half seven, and pretty much straight away both me and Scott were out washing our cars, them being dirty after long journeys. Scotts dad Roy told me "What are you two like? You're both mad!", but as was pointed out, it was a car show we were going to and it would just be plain wrong to turn up with a filthy car!!
Bang on 8, the time we had agrred to meet, in pulled Kevin and his family in his white

followed soon after by Micky in his silver Z-S. Its been a couple of months since seeing them, and was great to see them all again, and also their cars looked as gorgeous as ever. Like the "S" badge that you've put on to replace the Ford badge on the front as well Micky!

We then set off for Donington, though on the way we pulled over at a Maccy's for breakfast. Just like Newquay all over again!!

Having got through the heavy traffic we eventually arrived at the event, and decide to take things a little easy for a while and just have a walk about for a bit. We saw for the first time people walking around with used tyres, why that was I don't know, maybe souvenirs perhaps? But we did see hundred of people with them over the weekend.

One of the first things we found was this massive scalextrix track that had been laid out, even better it was free to have a go on, so we all did. You maybe can't quite make out all of it in these pics, but it was huge.

Notice as well that for a Renault event, this track was laid out by a company called FORDparkraceway.

The cars were all Renaults, apart from a Mini for some reason, and I didn't do bad at all that day, coming 2nd to Micky out of 8 cars on the track.
We then went and had a look through a hall of old and new sporty Renaults. For the first time that weekend I got a look at a Renault Formula One car (more on that later).

I also got to see the Williams Clio. Don't get me wrong, it is undoubtedly a classic, and I know its super quick, and yet, and yet, the gold wheels apart, I'm not sure it looks quite as special now as it did more than ten years ago.

We then had a look at some of the Renaults that are out now. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the exact Clio that Scott sat in, but to say the least he did start tearing it apart (not literally!!), saying don't like the interior, look at how cheap these seat fittings are, hate the pedals etc etc. I don't think that was going down to well with the Renault people that were standing about!!

After that we then went and had a sit on a bank, to see the first racing action we would see that day, the Formula Renault 2litre qualifying. Even though it wasn't a proper race, it was still good to watch, and they were loud as they went past!!

That was followed by the Clio Cup qualifying, which was also good, and also got to see our first crash of the weekend. Lets face it, thats what we all like seeing!

We then got to see an ontrack demonstration of the Renault F1 car for the first time. My God it was loud!! VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! I can understand now why they say you should take ear plugs with you if you go and watch an F1 race, that was loud enough, could hear it ages before it got to where we were sitting, and I can't begin to imagine what it would be like with 20 going past at once.

Before going off for something to eat, we saw a parade around the track of many old and new cars, some nice ones and was also good to see a couple of Deloreans going round as well.

Whilst I'm hardly the worlds greatest fan of the current Clio, it was still impressive seeing this long line up which we did.

Notice the foggies lit up on this Clio as well, I think that secretly he must be wanting to be part of the FordFiestaST posse lol!

By now everyone was well hungry, so we headed off back to our cars for some well needed food. On the way back, I think we all instantly spotted this beauty and couldn't resist taking some pictures of it, in between drooling.

I know the Escort

Cossie is a car that I've always loved, and I think most people feel the same way, and although Imperial Blue is still my favourite colour for it, this one still looked totally gorgeous, and was also very well looked after as well.

We also saw a red

on the way back as well which was flyered, and so it was after we'd had a bite to eat that me Micky and Scotty decided to go for a walk further down the field to see if we could see any more STs to flyer. Unfortuantely we didn't see a single other one down there, so started to come back. It was while we were coming back that we seen a Nissan Skyline, whcih we were looking at and talking about for about 5 minutes, before we carried on up the field. We then started thinking, hang on, i'm sure we wern't parked this far up, so had to go for a walk back DOWN again, and eventually spotted our cars - at least with all the stripes it is easy to spot if you're looking out for them. And guess what was at the end of the row where we were parked? Yup the Skyline! In other words we'd stopped just near where we were parked and just carried on oblivious!

Afterwards, we went back to the circuit to see the first proper race of the Formula Renaults. It was great to see, and with them properly racing this time, were even louder than they had been earlier. We also got to see another crash. Although you can't tell from this picture, one of the cars was literally on top of the other when it happenned.

It was now time to say goodbye to Micky. Top bloke for coming up for the day and great seeing you again fella!
The rest of us headed off down to the funfair, and had a bit of a relaxing time on the dodgems and merry go round before me, Scott and Lucie said goodbye to Kevin, Julie and Sarah, as we headed off our seperate ways.
Just before we went however we'd seen this lad admiring our cars, and Scott then asked him if he wanted a flyer. I think at first he'd mistook waht was said and though he'd asked if he wanted a fight lol! Anyways he got what was being said in the end, and so he was asked if he was interested in the ST. He replied that yes he was, he had been going to get one, but decided to get a Smart Brabus instead. He then asked if anyone wanted to buy a Brabus! It was just so comical the way this converstion went, and he was politely told no.

Unfortunately for me I ended up getting a bit unwell on the way back for a couple of reasons, and so had an early night when I got back, luckily I felt fine by the Sunday morning.
Sunday was another earlyish start, Kevin turned up, though minus the rest of his family this time - they were a bit worn out, and no worries about that, was still great to see you both on the Saturday! Scott's sister Becky also joined us that day, along with her partner Mark, and son Jack - a great little fella and fun having around with us.

Scott's dad also came with us that day as well. Scott had wanted him to drive his Porsche up, in other words evryone go in seperate cars, but he was having none of it, and had a lift in my ST instead. It was the first time that he'd been for a proper journey in an ST, and he did seem impressed, even though he was surprised how loud it can get on the motorway.
With being a little later that day than on the Saturday, the queue to get there was even longer, right backed onto the motorway, but eventually we arrived, this time at the Pit Lane end of the circuit.
We found a good place to sit down on chairs that we'd brought (we'd learnt from the previous day of being uncomfortable sitting on the ground for much of the time lol), and saw another Formula Renault race. Because of where we were at, the pictures had to be taken through a fence, and so it was hard to get good ones.

From the commentary that was coming over the speakers it was sounding like we were in the wrong place anyways, there seemed to be loads more action going on elsewhere, so we packed up and made a move. Typically though,as soon as we set off we heard a noise from behind us, and we had managed to miss a nice crash!

On our walk around we saw a Renault F1 stand where they had the pit team there, and properly fired the car up. Being right next to it this time, it was even louder than before, and rather nicely they had the computer for it set up so that the engine literally played the French national anthem which was nice.

After finding another decent place to rest up at we saw the World Series Race. Again, these pictures had to be taken through a fence so I apologise for the quality.

Better than that though was the Megane racing which followed. Now I've never liked the Magane, and always thought it amazing that in the TV adverts they actually try and draw your attention to what I think is the ugliest thing about the car, but on the track they're not bad at all.

There was a crash out there early on in that race bringing out the safety car.

This car here was astonishly slow, it didn't appear to have anything wrong with it, and yet it got lapped by everyone else, including one that had gone off and came back on miles behind in the crash incident.

By this time Becky and her family had already said goodbye to us, but had rang to say that the queues to leave were massive, so we all decide to stay for a while longer, having another walk around some of the stands to fill in some of the time.
We had another go at the Scalextrix. After my good effort the day before, I finished eighth out of 8 this time. In my defence though it wasn't really my fault, my car came off the track on the first lap, and inspite of pointing and shouting at them to get it put back on, everyone had done another couple of laps before I finally got going again. Scott won that time, but don't believe him if he says he didn't come off once. As Lucie kept pointing out to him, his car didn't just come off on the first couple of bends, it flew right off the table and onto the floor!!
After visiting the funfair once again, we then had another look around the showroom, and another chance to see Scott rip into a Renault this time a Megane. It was funny the way he'd been tearing it apart and then the Renault guy asked if he wanted a brochure to which the reply was "You must be joking!", I can't remember exactly what the reason was he gave for specifically disliking it, but fair play to the Renault bloke, he did say that he wasn't the first person to say that.
Before we left I also had to go back to one of the art stalls and get a picture of the dream car I know I'll never have, which for those who don't know is the Fiesta

. Damn Ford for not bringing it out!

We then said goodbye to Kevin for a final time, before the rest of us went back to Scotts to relax for the evening.
I'm sure you'll have all read by now my thread on the unfortunate incident I had on the Monday, and although it meant that the weekend ended on a downer for me, it certainly hasn't detracted from the enjoyment I had the rest of the weekend. It was great to once again spend a couple of days with a smashing group of people, including those I hadn't met before, and I hope that this thread has managed to capture some of the enjoyment and fun which we had.
I hope to see you all at the next event, along with some new faces, and I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading this thread even half as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Take care

ChrisC (site moderator)