Hi There
Just introducing myself - long time Ford fan and massive petrol head, live in Devon. Me and the wife have 7 cars between us, everything from a 1957 morris minor, several land rovers, an Evo X FQ300, and a BMW-based kit car / track machine.
I currently compete in our local road rally scene, possibly thinking about stage rallying in the future. I have a puma 1.7 for this which is an awesome car and she just keeps battling on through all the abuse, but after a decent run (including a finish in a Nat B 150mile night rally) she's getting a bit tired now, and so looking for something to replace it with at the end of the season (where hopefully I'll have finished at least runner up or possibly even champion in the novice categeory)
Quite like the idea of a mk5 Fiesta ST as they seem to be creeping into that price bracket now.
Wanted to look at the for sale section of this forum, but it won't let me

Look forward to speaking to you all.