Yeah I found it earlier and the hose coming off it looks fine. I suppose it could be clogged inside?? I think I can hear a hissing noise on the left side of the engine almost same level as the pcv valve with a similar hose nearby but I’m not sure. I connected my car to a diagnostic app with an OBD port connector and at roughly 1000rpm idle the throttle position says it’s 13.7%. Does anyone know if that sounds right?? Oh and how do you put pictures on??!
With ignition on but not running,what does your tps percent read?
The pcv valve may be blocked. If you can get it out it should rattle when you shake it. Manifold needs to come off tho.
I get the same hiss from the left side but it may be the cam chain or tensioner.I didn't find any leaks there.
I think the ramair might be causing the problem. If you look at other induction kits they all have the hose that goes to the cam cover breather. Whereas the ramair just has that restrictive looking breather elbow and cheap sponge filter thing.