funny you should mention those weird looking lines on the inside of your windscreen as i have noticed the same on mine,however its more prominant when there is a condinsation build up on the windscreen.when its dry the marks go!!!! iceman.
Quote: funny you should mention those weird looking lines on the inside of your windscreen as i have noticed the same on mine,however its more prominant when there is a condinsation build up on the windscreen.when its dry the marks go!!!! iceman.
Yeah generally you can't see them it's when it's steamed up!
Krazy Kath!!
1/4 mile - 16.4 @ 82mph......this will be beaten!!
What do you mean the window goes up and down... its the windscreen not the door windows. Its almost looks like glue because you can feel the marks when you rub your fingers over them, very weird, will take a pic next time it happens