Hmmm, I thought that with mine, but when I dipped it again, it showed much more. I though it was low and added some proper Ford oil. The next time I tried it it showed low again so I got a length of thin wire and flattened the end then used that as a dipstick. It showed the level was now too high.
I've tried filing flats on the alloy part at the end of the dipstick but it still shows low if you leave it till it's cold. If you then wipe the stick and try again you get a much higher level.
Now, I always redip it. There's something wrong with the dipstick system. I think the oil must be pulled down the tube when the oil cools and it doesn't flow back up the tube to the correct level until you pull the dipstick out for the first check.
They should have made the end piece a flat blade instead of a blob of alloy.