Is it me, or is posting down a bit of late?
Well anyway. I have had my

for over a week now and I would just like to say

I think it's a great little car. Having owned a 2002 TDCI Fezzy, I can definatelly say that Ford have done a fab job with the facelift IMO, the interior is great and I think I almost prefer it now to the Focus. The ride and grip is fantastic and I just love pushing the revs up to 4000 in 3rd and 4th (still new) and waving goodbye to those Corsa drivers with their paint tins strapped to the back

All in all, I love it to bits

, oh and it looks great and makes me feel cool even though i'm not

The only downside is the fuel consumption which is a bit scary when you used to drive a diesel (My computer thing says I am doing 30mpg at the mo),
But I was expecting that anyway.
Will try to get some pics up soon, although I don't have much time as when I get up it's dark and when I get back from work it's dark