Ford Fiesta Summer Event – Newquay 06
Just after Christmas plans were underway as to organising the Yearly Summer Event; taking into account that in 2005 we held the first Summer Event in Burton On Water in the Cotswolds and then a few of us went to the WRC Wales World Rally in Cardiff in October and then at Easter went up to M-Sport in Cumbria. Cornwall was definitely the ideal location for this years event. After viewing all the possible locations to stop; Newquay was the centre of all activity and life so it was decided that this was the location to be in.
Many months of planning, trying to find a nice campsite to stop on and also what activities were on offer in this area went on after the location had been sorted. Constant updating on the site for members to view and decide if they wanted to join in went on after.
It was really hard to try and get people interested and commit themselves to come so far from home and meet total strangers, not knowing if they would like the location, the company or plans we made throughout the day.
Nick02 and Chris Sussex let me know about Castle Combe Rally Day which was a great date in the summer and was planned so that it would be a good day out and start to the holiday and also give everyone chance to get to know each other before heading off to Newquay.
After organising the date of the event I then found out from the University that I would need to sit an Exam during a 2 week period that they would tell me. 10 days before the event I finally find out when I have to go into University and shock horror it’s ½ way through the event, luckily though I would be able to meet everyone at the Rally Day before parting with them until Monday Afternoon.
So on the 22nd of July the meeting location was sorted out, the campsite and also b&b’s were booked up and everyone who was coming was all sorted and ready to go.
On Friday 21st of July Chris (Cumbria) drive down to Birmingham and stopped the night at mine before Kevin (ST_ONE) and his family met us in the morning of 22nd of July at 7:30am and then we drove in convoy down to meet Stuart and Micky at a service station just outside Castle Combe for 9:30am. When we arrived which was pretty much 9:30am on the dot Stuart and Micky was already there waiting and had been for quite some time as they set off early to miss the traffic and then had a clear run straight through. It was nice meeting up with everyone and putting faces to names. Like it or not these were going to be the people that everyone will have to keep company with at least until the Monday morning when the first people were due to depart company.
We all set off from the service station and convoy down to the race track and get to a car park, me, Chris, Kevin and his family and Stuart all got in the carpark and Micky who was the last car got turned away into a different carpark as there was no spaces (Apparently), baring in mind behind where we parked there was enough room to explode a nuclear bomb without it touching the cars, hmm… so now Micky’s had to go and park on the moon we have to get out our phones and try and see where he’s got to. When on the phone, the answer “I’m at a corner” or “I’m by where the stands are” don’t really help since there are quite a few corners and there were stands all around the track.
We all plan to meet up by the track bridge and main area were “funnily enough” the RS200’s were on display… and guess who’s right on cue to be there, no one but… wait for it… NICK!!! Yes, I could have gambled my car on Nick being at the RS200 stand when we spotted them. Also there was Chris Sussex and Sheriden (yes your high feels did look good but later on you will see that this choice of footwear was not the best choice in the world, but then… neither was anyone else’s lol)
We will start the pictures of with the person who was to thank for such brilliant weather (only j/king)
This Puma really did look every bit as nice as it does in the picture
We left Nick, ChrisS and Sheriden to have a look around the show and everyone else ventured off to a corner of the track at the start of the grid which we managed to catch quite a few really good shots of the cars that was racing around.

This was my favourite car but everyone already knows that, well they should do as I must have said Focus RS more than I said anything else for a short spell of time.

These two were having a really good scrap, VERY fast and quite evenly matched but the Escort had a little more power and also quite a bit more testosterone for taking those corners past the limit!

I had to get a shot of the Audi S1… I seen one of these driving around Portsmouth and my god does it sound nice and what a presence!!!

The clouds start to roll over and things start getting a little darker and rain then starts falling, we find cover under some trees just back from the track edge and think it’s only going to be a shower but instead of just down pouring and stopping, it gets heavier and heavier and lasted a good 30 minutes, by this time were all soaked to the bone and decide to go back to the cars and get changed.

After everyone who’s parked on Earth got changed it was time to head off to a crater on the moon where Micky had parked so he could get sorted out. Walking through the carpark entrance it was clear to see lockness lake had moved and was now directly I the way of Micky trying to get out the field with his car which is only ½ centimetre off the ground.

It’s time to go and have a look around a few stands and what better to start off with than the Ford Rally Stand

Then the Mitsubishi stand

Baring in mind we all got changed and were all nice and dry now (well apart from my boxer shorts which were still wet, damp, soggy and sticking to my legs when I walked) It then started to Monsoon.
Me, Chris, Micky and Stuart ran off (well walked at a fast pace as we didn’t went to go sliding down the hill on our back sides as a lad had done previously… I really shouldn’t have laughed at him but I couldn’t help myself) we found a building that was not yet completed but was dry and we could get out of the rain.

To be honest, Stuart doesn’t really look happy in this picture!

We manage to catch the cars going around the wet track which made it a little more fun with the cars sliding a considerable amount more through the corners.

After it down pouring again we then decided to call it a day and head back to our cars and head off for something to eat in Chippenham.

As we left and Micky had to drive through Lockness he decided it was a good idea to drive through at full pelt and splash mud all up both sides of the car, fair play though I think I would have done the same thing!!!

We then all convoyed down to Chippenham on the way me and Micky losing everyone else but just pot luck we pulled into the carpark right next to each other so was really easy to get back together. We walked into Chippenham Town center trying to find a KFC or Mac D but not seeing one. Kev asked a passer by where they were and she pointed out that were none for a few miles out of Town… what town doesn’t have a Mac D? Disgusting (roll eyes)
We opted to dip out great choice in food to even further levels and go into a Fish and Chip/Chinese – a Chipese? I don’t know what they name themselves but we all had Fish and Chips before I left everyone at 6pm and they headed to Newquay and I headed to Portsmouth.
After happy driving along taking over anything in the way, and well… anything anyway I missed my motorway junction but all was not lost (well about 20miles worth of petrol, but what does that matter)… I drove to Farnborough and had a drive around the airport and stopped a 777 about to take off…

This didn’t end up taking off and to my amazement it actually started to reverse off the runway on its own… I never knew planes could reverse!

I then set off for Petersfield and arrived there at around 8:30pm due to taking a country lane route from Farnborough.
I get a phone call at 11:40pm saying that everyone had arrived finally and it was raining… so, 5 ½ hours the journey time and then it was raining whilst they were constructing their tents. I had to have a little laugh to myself. I suggest you get Sat Nav next time Chris 
MondayI had to get into University for 9am to sit an exam which lasted for an hour. My car was packed up and ready to go just as soon as my exam was over. I came out of my exam and then set off for Newquay just after 10am. On the way there the road I was on took me right next to West Bay (I used to go to here every year with Nicky and her family) and I was dieing for the loo so stopped off and decided to get a few pictures whilst I was there.

Excuse the brake dust (embarrassed)
I then set off again and finally after just under 4 hours I arrived, well… drove past in a flash and then a roar as I went under the bridge just outside the carpark where everyone was, turned around and came back and found them all sitting there. I had to go and park in between, yes the black seat is supposed to be in shot, that’s Stuarts baby!!!

Everyone greeted me again which was really nice, gave me a warm welcome back and I got to meet Cassie and her family which had already been down in Newquay since the Saturday Morning.
Yup, that’s us, we’ve taken over the whole camp site!!! A big thanks to everyone who helped my put my tent up, it didn’t take that long with a construction team.

I then washed my car as it hadn’t been washed since the downpour of Castle Combe and also the drive to Newquay so it was all nice and clean after. I think everyone caught onto this fact and decided to drive down to Morrisons and clean them.

First up it’s Stuart! Yup the water is coming out of that big box over there!
Second up it’s Kev. Your not supposed to shoot the car!!!

Look at how nice kevs car looks now it’s all cleaned up.

I must point out that I did have to go over everyone’s cars and alloys with my sponges since the jet wash was pretty shocking, but after sponging them everyone’s came out really nice!
Micky also cleaned his up but got away with me taking any pictures… cunning!!!
I really love what he’s done to it!

The Beast was just hiding around the corner keeping a close eye on everything!
In the evening we headed out to try and get some shots of our cars on the sea front since they were now all cleaned up and looking really nice. We went to Perranporth and managed to find a really quite cliff dead end where we were able to park the cars up and get some photos of them infront of the sea.

We then decided to go for a drive and see if we could find somewhere else to stop. We had some great fun down tight one track country lanes, it was completely random as to where I was heading and we hit a dead end on the way which made things quite interesting lol… I think everyone enjoyed that drive apart from Stuart which car doesn’t go around corners and he had no brakes left.

After we took the pictures we had a walk down to the cliff front where there was a really nice castle. We watched the sunset and sat and chatted for a bit. Was really nice as the temperature was cooling down and it was just the right heat.
TuesdayThis was my first day waking up at the campsite so thought I’d get a few snaps of how things looked.
My one is the big one on the left, we named it Scotty’s palace as it swamped over Chris’, Micky’s and Stuarts Tents which are on the right. I bought it specially before the holiday as it has a massive communal bit inside and if it rained (as it did in the Cotswolds) then we would all have somewhere nice and dry to sit in when we’re relaxing on the campsite. Luckily though this was never the case as the weather was gorgeous!!! My car was also called “Aladins Cave” as I had so much stuff it just kept coming out, none stop!

Morning Micky!!!

After going for a Big Fat ******* Breakfast at Morrisons (as we named them) Kev and his family and Cassie came over to the campsite and then we decided to go down to Fistral Beach in Newquay and spend the day on the beach and let the kids have a good play.

We then set up camp on a nice bit of the beach and all started to relax… some more than others (Julie)

This photo was taken just before she blew up parliament – that smile could melt anyone!!!
It all got a bit to much for Kev

This is as far as this lot got!!!

After that sleep Kev felt energetic and just ran into the sea, this was the moment he decided to get cold and wet

Kev then got one of my Body boards and had a go, the sea was very calm and there wasn’t much waves so it was quite hard to catch a decent wave but he did a really good job!!!

This is me with the flag… so then, do you think this would look good outside my tent…

Don’t let me disturb you Stu!!!

We then decided that the evening meal was going to be a BBQ so we all headed back to our places that we were staying and got showers before heading off down to Morrisons to get what we needed. What did make me laugh was when Cassie got extra bread rolls and when we noticed and didn’t need them she put them in the freezer after trying to open the door backwards 
We got back to the campsite and lit the BBQ
Soon after we did this Neil turned up with his really nice Red ST. It was really great meeting you Neil, it was just a shame that you couldn’t spend any longer with us. Top man for taking the time out and making the effort to come up and meet us!!!

Just to prove that we did cook food and it was really nice!!!
We even had the Blood Chicken (As Nicky said last year )

As everyone was here we put all the cars together on the site and decided to get some pics. We managed to gauge A LOT of attention.

It was brilliant when one of the other groups brought their metro over and parked it on the end of the row of ST’s… they were really good sports and a great group!!! It was a real shame that they left the morning after as it would have been nice to spend a night with them but never mind. If your reading this… THX GUYS!!!
WednesdayToday we got up and once again went down to Morrisons for the “Big Fat ******* Breakfast”… well that was mine anyway.
I parked up and Stuart came over and asked me what I’d done to the side of my car… I was a little worried what it was.
I was trying to think how the hell I could have done this as it had not rained the entire time I was there and my car was clean when I looked at it before I drove off. Once we got back to the campsite there was a puddle by where I had to drive by which I must have gone through. Oh well… bucket and sponge out again!

I really like this picture of Stuarts Leon.

Kev and his family and Cassie and her family came to the campsite after we had breakfast but Cassie had to get off back home, it was a real shame to see her go. The kids didn’t want to go at all. We all had to go home at some stage though. It was really nice that you stayed the extra time Cassie and it was great meeting you and your family. As I said, was a shame to see you go.
I must add though, you really went in a cloud of dust!!! Was a shame I never had my camera out to get a picture.
After this we then started to plan what we were going to do that day. It was either North or South. Kev then thought of a really good idea and got a 50p coin out and I then called heads for North. It dropped on the ground with Tails up. So we got the map out and decided to drive down to “ST” Ives  Great name Julie!!!

Here are a few shots of everyone’s cars on the move

We then got to “ST” Ives and was looking for a car park close to the town and drove as close as possible. This road was VERY steep, you can see the ocean in the background but cannot appreciate the gradient from the photos. My clutch was smelling for ages after I pulled back off up the road.

We had to head out of town and found a Rugby club at the top of the hill that we parked up in.

All aboard the ST Bus!!!

He looks like a secret agent sat at the back!!!

The day was so hot that it was great to finally find an ice cream shop.
That’s it Micky, get your coppers out!!!

What was you trying to do here Kev???

Sarah looked like she was enjoying hers

Here’s a few shots of the town

Everyone is having a good mosey around… it was so damn hot!!!

We then noticed this road name!!! Quite appropriate really!!!

This is quite appropriate for me!!!

This sign also had to have a picture taken!!!

During the walk around I went and had a word with the harbour attendant and asked him if we could bring our cars down on the harbour side to get some pictures.
He reluctantly agreed, well atleast that’s how I took it
We then got back on the bus and went back to our cars parked at the top of the hill and drove them straight through the town; getting MANY comments such as “it’s the Italian job”, “They look really nice” etc etc. I was at the front trying to get everyone out the way revving my exhaust every now and again to shift people but the people behind heard the comments clearer.

We then got to the Harbour site and started to take some photos.

If your this girl and your viewing this then BIG THUMBS UP

Parked on to the harbour wall.

A lady came and sat down next to the cars whilst me and Micky was taking photos.

We then moved to the Docking Ramp where we got LOADS of looks.

We managed to stay around this area fro about 2 hours without any bother from anyone or car parking fees.
Just for you Julie, we had a visitor that came right up to the dock side and a man actually fed it a fish. That was a really great sight!!!

These Kids were mad!!!

On the way back to Newquay I decided to get some most pictures of the cars

For the evening meal we went to a pub near by Quintrell Downs where the campsite was.

The meal I ordered did not come with an egg. I was not happy having Gammon without having an egg or pineapple so when I ordered I demanded an egg and my charm got it 

We then got back to the campsite and decided to light them. I then thought of arranging them in the ST Logo which looked really good.
We had a girl from another group walk past and comment “That’s pretty” and her friend then said “I don’t think that’s what they aimed for” which made us all laugh.
ThursdayToday we woke up and decided to take a trip down to Mac D (less Stuart). We get down there and I order a Big Breakfast Meal. The lad behind the counter says we don’t have them… I then ordered another meal, he also said I cannot have that. I then asked for a Double sausage muffin meal and finally he could do that. I also want a strawberry milkshake, but… they have no milkshakes… I said “What do you have”. A restaurant that doesn’t have any food!
Micky and Chris both got served by Arnold Schwarzenegger and got their meals before me even when I ordered mine first. It’s all to do with the politics!!!

This was the moment that me, Chris and Micky had to turn off to Bude and say bye to Kev and his family!!! Thanks a lot guys!!!

With only 3 of us left we drove up to Bude and found a nice spot to park in.

After taking a few pictures and relaxing at the top of the hill we then went for a walk down to the beach.

If you haven’t been there before, this is a sea water pool where blow up boats are only allowed as in the sea they don’t allow them. When the tide comes in it floods this pool and changes the water.

I’m really sorry but I couldn’t resist this, builders bum or what!!!

Once we had finished our ice-cream and stopped taking pictures of women’s bums we moved our cars around to the canal side and went and parked in the spaces that you wasn’t allowed to park in… but you know me by now so it’s not really out of the ordinary.

We left there and headed back to Newquay in the now small convoy.

When we got back Micky headed off to see his family for and bit and me and Chris headed off to the pub to have a quite drink (Coke of course) and something to eat.
After this Micky met back up with us at the pub and had a drink there with us as we discussed the day and the holiday and had a look through the pictures that we had taken during the day.
We then got back to the campsite and all washed our cars. I also cleaned my engine bay. As I said to Micky "A Happy Engine Bay = A Happy Car"

After we had washed the cars with the car lights on in the dark and also listened to some music and also had the fridges on. I started my car and it started with a little judder but when Micky came to start his… all we got was a clicking sound… so for the second time this holiday, out comes the jump starter and we get Micky’s car going again… lol

We spent the rest of the night relaxing around the campsite and I went and talked with the Welsh lads with the Rover Coupe for quite a while. We had a really good chat, top guys! By now it was 11:30pm and they had to take one of the lads sister back to the holiday site that they originally were on which they commented would be a 45min walk there and 1 hour back… I decided to offer a lift as it would have taken them all night otherwise… It only took me around 10minutes to get there and back but my god would it have taken them AGES to walk. I really respect them though as they would have walked all that distance as they had been drinking and said they have had to walk everywhere since they was here as they don’t drive when they have had alcohol… fats off to them for that!!! If you log on, great meeting you all!!!
FridayToday we woke up and packed up our tents and items into our cars and decided to leave the campsite at around 10am and went to Mac D for breakfast. We could keep an eye on the cars from inside then as they were all full with our stuff.
We wanted to make best use of the rest of the morning and early afternoon before heading off home so me, Chris and Micky drove up to Padstow and parked up in the car park just to relax and have a toilet break, whilst Chris and Micky were in the toilet I was confronted with a miserable car park attendant who told me to move the cars… I just ignored him… make your own mind up as to if we was causing a problem to anyone.

I know Padstow very well due to being here loads of times when I was a kid and we then drove through the town at about 1mph as there was LOADS of people and managed to get to the docks. We were able to park exactly where we wanted to and get some great photos.

We then had a visitor

We stayed around Padstow just relaxing and enjoying the day and the glorious sunshine and heat for a few hours and then got sorted and headed off on our journey back home.
We stopped off along the way a few times just to have a break. The second stop was at a Mac D’s on the M5 where I had my 20 nuggets  Damn the girls in there were fit!!! Just if it was closer to home!!!
From the moment we got into the service station I swear there was batteries coming out of Micky’s ass… all I could see was him chasing batteries around on the floor and under everyone’s tables. He then managed to drop them all again when we got back to the cars so was once again chasing them.
After this we all said our goodbyes and headed off for the last stretch together up the M5 before Micky departed company with us and left us at the M4 turn off.
On the way we passed a mini with stripes so I just had to get a picture of it with Chris’ car going past!

I was also being really good and keeping 2 chevrons apart (for a limited time)

It was then time for Micky to leave me and Chris and head off back home. The end of the brilliant time had to come sometime!!! The picture says it all!!!

Here’s a nice group shot of the members who went (Cassie and Neil wasn’t around when we took this)

This event was not planned for me or for people I know. I was planned for anyone and everyone. I put a lot of hard work, effort and time into organising it with help from Chris C and also Nick for the Rally Day but it would not have been a success without you guys and girls jumping in feet first, not knowing anyone or having seen any of the people you were going to be stopping with and booking up and coming along. That deserves a massive

and big Thank You all from myself.
I’d like to thank Stuart for burning his brakes out keeping up; ChrisC for coming from a massive distance away 9hour drive each way to be exact; Micky for helping clean my car ;Cassie for having no tyres left but going everywhere in a cloud of smoke making her presence known; Kev for being such a great sport and really getting involved and Neil for taking time out of his evening and coming to meet us.
My last comment now is from me. I really enjoyed the time I spent with everyone and I think everything went smoothly and to plan. It is always a huge challenge for me to organise such an event and when I heard that family’s would be coming along I had to really get thinking about things to suit everyone and going into the unknown armed with the “just encase” things to do I felt a little easier. During the holiday I might as well of trashed all of this as the Kids got on brilliant with each other and as far as I’m aware thoroughly enjoyed everything we did.
The holiday was booked from Saturday until Wednesday with Kev and Cassie leaving on Monday but infact this was not the case at all. Cassie left on Wednesday along with Stuart (due to not being able to think of a good enough excuse to tell work), Kev on Thursday and Micky on Friday. I could not have wished for people to want to stay longer than booked so when people stayed it felt really good that people were having a good time and didn’t want to leave.
A final Thank You All!!!
This Concludes the Summer Event: