Last weekend Kevin, Julie, Sarah and me went to Silverstone to see the touring cars.
Starting off on the Saturday Me and Kevin decided to make an early start so we could get to the track to see everything. We met at the M1 service station at 8 where we found our first problem. I get a phone call from Kev saying he is at the service station and where was I? Funny thing was I was there to. I didn’t realise there was one each side of the motorway so after waving across the motorway Kev came over to my side and we met up and had a little chat.
Now time to set off to the track.
We got to the track and couldn’t see 50ft in front of us. Over the pa they said that they were delaying the start because of the fog. After hearing this we went and had a look at the paddocks saw some of the drivers and cars starting up. Some of them sounded really rough. Next was a look round the track to find good spots for pictures and a look at the stands. Next thing we hear in the formula bmw cars going out onto the track so that’s where we went. Almost 3 hours after we got to the track.
Even though the fog had lifted you still couldn’t see much

We both agreed that though these cars were fast they we boring because they just stuck to the road, Next up was what we went to see the touring cars
Thomson getting very sideways

Love this arty shot

Plato speed shot

Sheddons car spitting flames. Must be running really rich

The Touring cars weren’t hanging around even though it was only free practice.
Next up Seat Qualifying. We managed to get down to the hairpin which was a great place for taking pictures. You’ll see this from the Sunday pictures.
The Seats kept locking up there rear wheels which looked very cool

Then the clios came out to play. And this one went off

Next up was the Porche carrera cup qualifying.

I thought it was qualifying

Porche running wide and losing back end

Touring car Qualifying and this shows how hard he was pushing

I was looking other way and Kev was changing his film in his camera. We both herd tires and I only just got this picture

I was now the end of Saturday and we headed back to the cars, on the way we saw this going out and these in the car park
Honda civic

The new Seat FR

And these 2 in the car park

Sunday we agreed to meet up later on because we didn’t want to hang around for hours if there was fog like on the Saturday. This time Julie & Sarah came along. We met on the same side of the services about 9:30 but left quite quick, because of the way I went I saw the queues to get into the track. The way we were going there was 4 miles of it. In the 2 hour queue to get in we saw lots of really nice cars. My favourite was this Ferrari Testorosa

There was a lot of monaros as well and just listening to them was amazing
By the time we got in the Clios were doing there thing so we went over to the seat vip area and had a great view of the complex.
This guy almost went into the barrier

And taking a new route after loosing it on the straight, Sorry about the first picture but my camera didn’t have time to focus

And a little bit of contact sending this one into the gravel.

After this race we headed over to the hairpin and saw some nice cars in the car park.
60’s Mustang


Lovely Lambo

New jag which I thought was an Aston, Still looks amazing

Superchips orange focus ST with grey stipes

Brand new Ferrari F430

I really like the mirrors

5dr Focus ST, still don’t like

Ferrari 360

Aston Martin DB9
After lusting in the car park we went back to the racing. When we got back we had to new photographers

Julie is that a digital SLR

Soon as the race started touring cars were living up to there reputation
Few nice pictures of the cars



Pinkney-For Sarah as she like it soo much

Whilst the race was going we herd an airplane flying low
He was amazing to watch as he lost control and then got it back again

And after the race we saw a new type of racing. Wonder if it will take off

Seat were taking people around the track. We guessed that the passengers won a competition and this was the prize
Now was the turn of the Porches, you could tell they were really pushing it

Kevs film ran out as this guy spun off and restarted. Was spectular when the flames started. These are my favourite pictures of the weekend

And some slight damage to this car but it didn’t slow him down
The final Seat race and there was everything to fight for

It was now getting late and we were all cold. But it was the final race of the season for the touring cars and as you will see form the pictures it was well worth the wait and braving the cold.

On the warm up lap this car sounded like it had gearbox problem and was moving very slowly

Then this happened and every body in the crowed cheered and laughed

This guy got the runaway wheel and took it back to the car. He got a huge cheer from the crowd

The bmw sounded really nice

Fighting for position

After some contact damage was starting to show

And the new Seat Toledo touring car. They only got the car 2 weeks before the race and did an amazing job to get it ready in time

Was now the end of the day and every body went to the car parks, we knew it was going to take ages to get out so we sat around for a little bit and had a look at some of the pictures I took over the 2 days. I took 1135 over the weekend 800 of them are really good. It has taken a while to go through them and get some of the ones that show what the day was like.
All I can say is it was a wicked weekend and I really had a good time. Thanks to Kev for suggesting the day and Julie & Sarah for coming along.
Maybe see some of you at future events