after many days of doing this and hours uploading pics here it is

Write up
I would like to start by paying a special thankyou to scott and chris for organising such an ace event. I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and made us feel welcome. It was a fantastic weekend and really enjoyed getting to know everybody. Here is my write up, lol, with pics of course!!
Woke up at the godly hour 5am L. Set off around 545 via my mums to drop some clothes off (aint she gud to me lol). Headed (aka roared!) down the a180/m180 towards the m18. 24minutes later after 39mile reached the m18, headed towards the m1. in no time at all we was going past woodall services and heading towards the next junction to turn around so we were on the northbound section of the m1. around 645am we arrived at the service, then debating whether to wait inside or outside. We got a text from tony say he was going to pick his mate up then he was coming. So we waited…..and waited…..original meet up time of 7am turned to about 8am in the end lol…better late than never

to amuse ourselves whilst waiting I was teaching clair about makes and models of cars,lol, how sad!!!! Saw this guy…

Professional response my arse!!!
Tony was the first to arrive with dave. Sat and chatted to them for a bit, tony looked at my stripes and it was the first time we had seen each other’s cars in the flesh (i.e. the colour with stripes). About 15 minutes later the others arrived (Scotty with ruth, matt with becky and jack, mikey, kev, Julie with sarah)

thanks to dave who got in the way!! Lol
me overtaking 2 st's n scottafter having some ‘healthy’ brekkie, and after jack had smothered himself in pancake syrup much to the amusement of matt we headed up the m1.

watch for the speed camera tony!!!! Don’t ya just hate those average speed cameras!!

dave n tony steaming past

not much traffic….honest!!! stuck in this traffic for fricking ages L

a lovely pic out of my wing mirror, nicely lined up guys. Kept trying to get some good pics but was quite difficult at times esp when other members of the public kept getting in the way!!!

a nice pic of tony, matt, Julie and micky’s car, nicely pulling into the slip road then slipping back in…thanks tony lol, shame I dint have any walkie talkies but oh well!

after a very very long wait in the traffic, clair and others wer busting for the loo so we pulled over into a pub car park and we used the facilities….of the hotel lol
down the country roads we travelled, miles after miles….of pure fun tho….fantastic driving conditions and some excellent roads to tell out the


we stopped at this ruin to take sum(lots!) pics

just some pics that I took there, I do like them and think they show the

’s off well

after a bit more driving and a few more pics we were getting closer to our destination (aka our home for the next 3 nights or so we believed in some cases lol)
we set up camp in the middle of the field…and why the hell not!!!
Couple of hours later we ventured into Whitby for some food, mmmmmm….siggys fish and chips….or sausage and chips in a few cases lol, or sausage sandwich for jack!!

as u can c we was greeted by fantastic weather…not…was quite nippy tbh

what a superb image view, all the st’s lined up with scotts at the end, fantastic.
looks gr8, and convoying with fogs on looks a gr8 site, but when sum (the stig) has one of their fogs out of line, blinds others….ooooops!! £90,000 worth of cars there, all with keys in the ignition, what a bright idea lol

once we headed back to camp, it was quite dark and mickey showed us his side lights, they look very effective

a cold night brewed ahead for us all. In our little tent me and clair huddled together to keep warm, well to keep warm was a bit of an overestimation lol it was bloody freezing. Off to sleep to went. Dozed off J….*nudge* *nudge* ‘craig!’ ‘craig!’, ‘wot I replied’, ‘I need the loo’ clair said, it was 130am and she needed the loo. I only had boxers on, not a wise idea let me tell u, so I got dressed, had put my clothes down the side of the tent so they wer soo cold it was unbelieveable. We wrapped ourselves in the blanked and headed to the loo with torches. Got there, clair sat there, door open bare in mind, …. ‘clair, clair, theres two men coming’, ‘no there aint’, ‘yeah there is’, just as she pulled up her trousers up popped two blokes, two of the Geordie blokes that had attempted to offer there ‘kind’ friendship along with alcohol and drugs to scott earlier in the night lol. We quickly hurried back to the tent, I decided to sleep in my clothes from then on lol.
Next morning woke up, still cold, felt a little ill aswell, has ear ache and sore throat aka the man flu lol.

all lined up waiting for others to come.

no irony here lol

like this pic, looks very nice
stopped at another pub and met budden and keydog

went to pickering to get sum petrol and for tony to get a sleeping bag, what a nightmare driving there was, how cud we lose eachother so easily, remember the stig reversing down the main high street lol then letting u all out,so much fun lol.

we then all met back up after topping up with petrol and headed to the forrest stage of our adventure

we’d park on some grass and then the fun with the pics started,lol, heres a selection of pics I took

pic of jack giving the thumbs up, how cute lol

from there scott me and micky had decided to turned our cars into 4x4’s lol and go up a quite steep hill to take sum pics,lol, when we got up there, was a lovely smell, of clutches lol

further down the road we came across this

don’t Scotty look so fulfilled here lol, shame I dint get a pic of his pants, probably wet them!! :Hehe:

if u had ever wondered why I am the stig, u need to ask a few peeps who went about my driving, esp in the video lol, I did sum grass cutting hehe
our forest run, dint realise how fast I actually went lol

deffo needed cleaning….now wers clair when I need her the most!

after we had finished here we headed for summats to eat, eventually we went to a village wer there wer lots of choice, me and clair had sausage and chips…again, then ice cream, sat in a café with Scotty and ruth chatting for a while before me and clair headed back to camp earlier, I wanted to take sum pics and id spotted sum locations that I wanted, heres the outcome

awwwww how cute is she lol
