R222 £30+plus ish and my current wax of choice
AutoFinesse my current products of choice so thought would try one of their waxes, £44ish
Tested it on the bonnet today so here is my review, more greasy than R222 and spreads endlessly just keeps spreading, so probably good value for money over time, nezxt time will leave it longer to dry however taking it off was slightly harder than R222. Removing R222 is easy, dries and buffs to a dust and just comes clean off and mark free. AF came off slightly harder but left trailing marks as my cloth went back over cleaned areas so need to return and buff back over. Finish is about same as R222 deep and slippy, will see over time how it lasts and beads.
For now R222 has the edge for me.

MR200 Stage 3 200PS
Evans Halshaw
Mountune Pro