why is he a hero?
the bloke who chucks him off looks like your typical thug who likes to throw his weight around at any chance he gets, why else would you offer to do something like that unless you always looked for trouble and a chance to hurt someone, people like him are the people we dont need in the world!
in that video is all the evidence needed to get that bloke locked up and he should be.
things like that should be dealt with properly and by authority figures not some fat prick who likes to throw his weight around, i hope he falls under the next train he tries to catch the world will be a better place without thugs like him
Red Escort 1.6LX
Then - Red Escort 1.4
Then - Silver Fiesta ST 170BHP
Then - White Fiesta ST MR200+
Now - Mitsubishi Evo IV Forged 2.3 500BHP
and Mondeo Mk3 2.0TDCI