197 and 182 are quicker standard no doubt,, they are also more expensive to insure and tax and a dam sight more unreliable and badly put together. All the time I owned a Renault I saw faults commute from one model to the next as they used the same crap parts, and Renault never ever address the issues they just deny they exists.
just one example (I could give oh so many) the temp sender or loom failure that causes the car to run rich and cut out,, that just went on year after year and Renault did jack about it.
I still say get an ST spend about 1.5k to get a bit more BHP and it will wipe the floor with the Renaults.
Also where do you buy tuning parts for a Clio??? most of the companies I saw on renaultsport turned out to be a bunch of second rate cowboys that I would not allow near my wheel barrow. With ford you get Cosworth, Mountune and a host of other top quality tuners to deal with, Renault are just not in the same league for this.
Do not be tempted by figures on paper as being the best reason to buy as the Renault will only bring trouble and breakdowns,, trust me the ST is the better bet long term no doubt about it.