I can probably show just as many posts from people with Fiestas (or any Fords) that have had problems. In fact, last year I saw a Fiesta pull over on the motorway and then catch fire while the driver ran from it as fast as they could!

French build quality is always going to have this stigma attached to it much the same way as Skoda has with there image. Even with all the clever advertising there are still people saying "urgh, its a Skoda". People will always say "oooh, Renault build quality". If they were that bad, they wouldn't be in business would they.

Can't argue with Insurance and Tax though but when you get towards 30, the difference between a group 13 and 17 car is about £50 a year I have found. Tax, well, ahem, skip that one for now.

Why buy a ST and spend 1.5k on it to try and keep up with a 182 (what would 1.5k buy anyway, exhaust, filter and coilies maybe which would get you about 10 bhp). You won't get that 1.5k back at the end of it so that pays for you tax and insurance.

I am not having a go at the ST, I owned one remember and loved it. I still look at the white ones with blue stripes and think they look great but I know from back to back ownership of the 2 cars, the 182 was the better car.

Still, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Look at Revels, I love coffee but 40% of the voters want it gone according to the current poll results!!! I want Maltesers to go. If I want Maltesers, I will go and buy a packet of them.

When someone asks should I buy this or that the best idea is to go and test them both and see which one you like most. And remember, forums are 19% general banter, 80% people with problems that want to know how to fix something and 1% saying "I love my car and nothing has gone wrong with it".