
then you won't mind explaining how you would achieve the linear relationship between Speed and RPM's?

Excellent, that's what I was hoping you would say. Rather than answering your question, I would like to hear you explain how the relationshipship of the output from an engine through a fixed ratio gearbox can be anything but linear?

Let me answer it for you, it can't be (unless the clutch is slipping! ). Using a fixed ratio'd gearbox the RPM of an engine has a direct ratio'd effect on the speed of the wheels therefore the speed of the vehicle.

So this leaves me wondering what you are all about. If you had said one single thing of use then I would say that you were perhaps mistaking what was being said and that you were trying to add extra mechanics to the theoretical statement, such as weight, acceleration, drag or resistance.

But you haven't, you've been rude, evasive and haven't offered a single solitary piece of relevant information so you must just be a troll. In which case, good bye.