This forum has, and always will, encourage debate amongst people. Obviously everyone will have different points of view on various issues and it is right that they are discussed. It would be a boring world if everyone agreed about everything. However, that debate is normally discussed in a civilised manner, not by starting off a debate by throwing insults because a couple of people have happenned to disagree with what you have said.

In that other thread PetrolSRi was expressing his personal opinion, however equally other members of the forum were just as entitled to express theirs. That thread COULD have been locked a long time before it was, however it was deliberately chosen not to do so in order that everyone, including PetrolSRi, could have the chance to discuss the issue that was being debated. It was only locked once it had become apparent that there was nothing new that could be added to either argument.

Banning members from the forum is NOT something that has ever been done lightly. The fact that in almost two years since the site came online only three people have ever had to be banned backs this up.